My Journey, My Walk with Jesus

Hurtful Words

Someone said some hurtful things.

It’s come in addition to other words that hurt my heart just a couple weeks prior.

People hurt us all the time – Whether intentional or not.

So how do we handle that?

Confrontation is often a desire.  But as I ponder this subject today, I’m not quite as sure that confrontation is the answer.  I have learned from God’s Word (James 1:19Proverbs 16:24 to name a couple verses) and from watching my husband, that waiting is often good – So as to not speak out of anger.

My quick response wants to hurt back.  I am sure my tongue has caused it’s own pain, for I know my responses have not always been made out of love but instead, were quick to respond out of hurt, anger and the desire for retaliation.

I hope that I have grown and matured more in Christ so as to check my words… to pray about my words.

Some time ago, I ran across a sign on pinterest that says it all:

speak life

That is what I want to always do…. SPEAK LIFE… not discouragement, not hurtful words without regard to the person receiving it.

My prayer to You Lord is that the words of my mouth would always be pleasing to you and would always speak life.  Amen


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